Exclusive advantages
Sand & Sea Hotel
Discover Sand&Sea Resorts' exclusive loyalty programme! As a member of our programme, you will enjoy unique privileges and incredible rewards. Book directly on our website and earn points that you can redeem for free nights, room upgrades and VIP experiences. Plus, you'll receive special offers and early bird promotions, ensuring you always get the best available rate. Join today and start living the unrivalled experience of being part of our family of loyal guests.
Sign up for free
Sign up now for our plan and start enjoying the exclusive Sand&Sea Resorts experience. Get access to unrivalled benefits, special offers and early bird promotions. Sign up today and let us pamper you on every stay, we are waiting for you with open arms to give you unforgettable moments!
Sign up for free
Your plan is calculated based on the hotel stays booked
Exclusive advantages
Sand & Sea Hotel
Off when booking
Welcome present
On-line pre-ckeckin // Priority Check in
Special promotions and offers
Special requests with no charge (Subject to availability)
Special prices at Beach Clubs
Early check in // Late Check out (subject to availability)
Personal documents printing
Last units booking for members (Subject to availability)
Free safety box
Cortesy bottle of water every night
Pool towels in room (daily change)
Dinner // Celebration in our restaurant
Exclusive advantages
Friends L&H
Off when booking
Welcome present
On-line pre-ckeckin // Priority Check in
Special promotions and offers
Special requests with no charge (Subject to availability)
Welcome gift
Special prices at Beach Clubs
Early check in // Late Check out (subject to availability)
Personal documents printing
Last units booking for members (Subject to availability)
Free safety box
Cortesy bottle of water every night
Pool towels in room (daily change)
Dinner // Celebration in our restaurant
Exclusive advantages
Friends L&H
Off when booking
Welcome present
On-line pre-ckeckin // Priority Check in
Special promotions and offers
Special requests with no charge (Subject to availability)
Welcome gift
Special prices at Beach Clubs
Early check in // Late Check out (subject to availability)
Personal documents printing
Last units booking for members (Subject to availability)
Free safety box
Cortesy bottle of water every night
Pool towels in room (daily change)
Dinner // Celebration in our restaurant
Exclusive advantages
Friends L&H
Off when booking
Welcome present
On-line pre-ckeckin // Priority Check in
Special promotions and offers
Special requests with no charge (Subject to availability)
Welcome gift
Special prices at Beach Clubs
Early check in // Late Check out (subject to availability)
Personal documents printing
Last units booking for members (Subject to availability)
Free safety box
Cortesy bottle of water every night
Pool towels in room (daily change)
Dinner // Celebration in our restaurant
Your valid bookings on www.sandandsea.es are added to your stay counter and your Club Sand & Sea Priority plan.In case of cancellation of the booking, it will not count towards your stay counter and Club Sand & Sea Priority plan.
General terms and conditionsof Club Sand & Sea Priority